Friday, April 2, 2010

Outdoor Classroom

On the way to the gym yesterday, Casey and I saw the writing on the wall. Literally. This building on campus has undergone some serious renovations, so we're used to walking by construction equipment and mounds of mud, but it was finished about a month ago, and it seems like they've done some pretty cool stuff with it. For instance, there's a chalkboard on the outside of the building - which I never noticed until I saw people having class there yesterday. Casey took the picture with her iPhone, so you have to kind of squint to see the little people, but you get the idea.

That big rock thing close to the camera? Yeah, I don't know. At first, I thought that maybe the construction workers were chipping pieces off of it for some reason, but now I think it's some kind of sculpture. I'm no art critic, but... well... they could have done better. I'm just sayin'.

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